Better food, better future
About Admix ltd.
Admix Ltd. is a partner of the Danish company Chr.Hansen A / S – a world leader in the production of ingredients for the food industry – starter cultures for yogurt and dairy products, coagulants for cheeses, meat starter cultures, natural colors for food production, ingredients for wine. Along with the kind collaboration of technologists from Chr. Hansen in Bulgaria and besides the logistic services, we offer technological support and assistance directly to your company.

Chr. Hansen is a global bioscience company that develops natural solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The company has been established in 1874 and now it has more than 3,000 dedicated employees in more than 32 countries. As a company Chr. Hansen aims to deliver innovative natural solutions that advance food, health and productivity for the benefit of us all. Chr. Hansen develops and produces cultures, enzymes, probiotics and natural colors for a rich variety of foods, confectionery, beverages, dietary supplements and even animal feed and plant protection. Chr. Hansen has one of the world’s largest bacteria collections, numbering almost 30,000 strains. From this collection bacteria are screened, selected and improved to meet specific requirements in food, dietary supplement, animal feed and plant protection. Chr. Hansen also develops and produces natural colors for the food industry. The colors originate from natural sources like berries, roots and seeds, and Chr. Hansen is a global front runner in encapsulation and stabilization techniques. All solutions of Chr. Hansen are based on strong research and development competencies coupled with significant technology investments and close customer relationships.

Novonesis is a global company leading the era of biosolutions, combining the forces of Novozymes and Chr. Hansen. By leveraging the power of microbiology with science, Novonesis is transforming the way the world produces, consumes and lives. In more than 30 countries Novonesis’ biosolutions are already creating value for thousands of customers and benefiting the planet. With more than 10,000 people worldwide and with a broad distributor network, Novonesis transforms business with biology.

BioconColors is a leading manufacturer of natural colors. For more than 39 years, they produce natural solutions for the food and beverage industry, as well as cosmetics and pharmaceutical production.
The team of natural colors specialists is capable of creating color formulas based on natural sources for a wide range of applications. The portfolio includes emulsions or suspensions, water-soluble or oil-soluble colorants, dried blends through various methods, or special mixes for optimal presentation of your products in the best possible way.
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Биорешения за млечни продукти от Novonesis
Млечни продукти с по-висока добавена стойност С повече от век опит в областта на ензимите и микроорганизмите, две водещи компании на пазара – Chr. Hansen и Novozymes, обединиха усилията си, за да създадат Novonesis и да разкрият пълния потенциал на биологията. В областта на свежите млечни продукти решенията на Novonesis продължават да помагат за оптимизиране

Ферментационна биозащита срещу дрожди и плесени
Биозащита в производството – мисията е възможна Дрождите и плесените са естествени замърсители, които се срещат навсякъде в около нас. Невъзможно да бъдат напълно избегнати в предприятията за производство на млечни продукти. Те са най-често срещаните организми, причиняващи разваляне, които се откриват във ферментирали млечни продукти, като киселите млека. Понякога се идентифицират при тестовете за