Биозащита, снимка на кисело мляко

Ферментационна биозащита срещу дрожди и плесени

Биозащита в производството – мисията е възможна Дрождите и плесените са естествени замърсители, които се срещат навсякъде в около нас. Невъзможно да бъдат напълно избегнати в предприятията за производство на млечни продукти. Те са най-често

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снимка на храни богати на протеини
Dairy products

Тенденция за млечни продукти с повече протеини

Тенденцията за млечни продукти с повече протеини набира значителна скорост през последните години. Тя отразява по-широка промяна в потребителските предпочитания към по-здравословни и богати на хранителни вещества храни. Тази тенденция е задвижвана от нарастващото осъзнаване

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шепа зелен силаж
Инокуланти за силажи

Ранно изхранване

Хетероферментативните инокуланти използвани при производство на силаж позволяват бързо завършване на процеса ферментация и спомагат за подобрението във всички слоеве  след отваряне му. Пазарно предизвикателство Един от основните проблеми при производството на силаж са твърде

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снимка на силаж и трактор
Инокуланти за силажи

Управление на Силажа

Правилното управление на фуражните култури е един от крайъгълните камъни на ефективното животновъдство. Предизвикателството на пазара Да имате печеливша ферма и оперативна ефективност не е тривиално упражнение. Вниманието към детайлите по време на производството на

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снимка на бункери за силаж
Инокуланти за силажи

Подобряване на аеробната стабилност

ХЕТЕРОФЕРМЕНТАТИВНИТЕ ИНОКУЛАНТИ СЕ ИЗПОЛЗВАТ ЗА ДА ДЪРЖАТ СИЛАЖА СТАБИЛЕН ЗА ДЪЛЪГ ПЕРИОД ОТ ВРЕМЕ СЛЕД ОТВАРЯНЕТО Пазарни предизвикателства Процесът на силажиране не е свързан само с бързият спад на pH, което подтиска растежа на нежелани

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снимка на инокулант за силаж

Инокуланти за силаж


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Закваски за месо от Novonesis
Meat and prepared foods

Get more out of your meat 

In an increasingly competitive food market where rising costs and shrinking margins are a common challenge, it’s crucial for businesses to find solutions that can help them to become more productive. The meat industry, in

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Микробиалните култури в производството на храни
Dairy products

Използвайте потенциала на микробиалните култури в храните

В тази статия ще научите как да използвате потенциала на микробиланите култури. В бързо развиващата се хранително-вкусова промишленост компаниите непрекъснато се стремят да имат конкурентно предимство. Било то чрез иновативни опаковки, маркетингови стратегии или по-устойчив

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Подобрена производителност в производството на сирената чрез CHY-MAX® Supreme
Dairy products

Как CHY-MAX® Supreme помага за по-добри резултати при производството на сирене?

CHY-MAX® Supreme – помага на производителите и преработвателите на сирене да посрещнат нуждите на клиентите с подобрена функционалност и увеличен рандеман, осигурявайки си по-голяма търговска възвръщаемост. Ново поколение коагуланти Млечната промишленост играе жизненоважна роля в

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Иновации във винопроизводството
Wine and fermented beverages

Съвършенство и иновации във винопроизводството с решенията на Chr. Hansen

Подготовката на реколтата за винопроизводство се извършва по време на един от най-предизвикателните сезони. Тогава продажбите се забавят и много производители се борят да намерят пазари за своето вино. Докато бизнесът с премиум вина показа

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Novonesis водещ глобален партньор в биорешенията

Novonesis – водещ глобален партньор в биорешенията

Предложената комбинация от Novozymes и Chr. Hansen е успешно завършена, създавайки компанията Novonesis.

Водещ глобален партньор в биорешенията, комбинираната компания обединява около 10 000 талантливи служители по целия свят и опит, който обхваща над 30 различни индустрии.

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Колекция от добри бактерии на Chr. Hansen от микробни щамове

Как да опазим климата с 50 000 щама добри бактерии

Повече за понятието “добри бактерии” Добрите бактерии съдействат за опазването на климата, чрез намаляване на хранителните отпадъци. Освен това, те подкрепят и революцията при храните на растителна основа, като подпомагат здравето на посевите, без да

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Тест за антибиотични остатъци в мляко

Чаша вкусно мляко без остатъци от антибиотици

Подобрете безопасността на храните с разширената гама MilkSafe™ FAST, тестове за антибиотици от  Chr. Hansen, проектирани за мобилност, свързаност и надеждност.  Здравето е приоритет Резистентността към антибиотици представлява една от най-големите заплахи за здравето и

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оптимизация сирене
Dairy products

Значението на оптимизацията на процесите при производството на сирене

„Ако не можете да го измерите, не можете да го подобрите.“, Лорд Келвин, английски физик Млечната промишленост е изправена пред безпрецедентни предизвикателства, не само във връзка с оптимизацията, поради макроикономическите промени през последните години. Изкупните

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Ефективност и устойчивост
Dairy products

Ефективност и устойчивост в производството на млечни продукти

Страхотният вкус е ключов фактор за лоялността към марката. Ето защо е толкова важно да се гарантира, че млечните продукти остават вкусни, дори когато се въвеждат промени в рецептурата или се оптимизират разходите. Светът се

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Чревна микробиота

Запознайте се с вашите 40 трилиона микро воини: чревната микробиота

Малко след раждането червата ви са дом на трилиони добри бактерии – чревната микробиота. Те влияят върху апетита, имунната ви система и дори до известна степен върху вашето физическо и психическо благополучие. Здравословната чревна микробиота

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Повишаване на безопасността в месни продукти

Подобряване на безопасността и качеството на месните продукти с микробиални решения

Потребителските тенденции продължават да се изместват към по-здравословни и по-устойчиви храни. Необходимостта от безопасни и висококачествени продукти става все по-важна. Осигуряването на високo нивo на безопасност на храните и контрол на патогените е ключова отговорност

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natural colors for beverages
Natural colors for food and beverages


Stand out from the crowd with innovative drink colors. Oterra offers natural colors for many different beverage applications to help you achieve exactly the result you want.

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Lactose free dairy products
Dairy products

Lactose free dairy products

Lactose-free is a category that is growing significantly, with numerous new product launches all over the world, in all dairy applications.

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Dairy products

High protein dairy products

Let Chr. Hansen help you develop the best, high-protein, fermented milk products. Consumers around the world are attempting to take charge over their health. Nearly half (49%) of global respondents in Nielsen’s Global Health &

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алтернативи на кисело мляко на растителна основа
Dairy and meat alternatives

CP Kelco и Chr. Hansen разработват растителни „вегурти“ без необходимост от хладилно съхранение

CP Kelco и Chr. Hansen са горди да предложат на клиентите си сътрудничество, съчетаващо техните водещи опит и решения, за да изведат алтернативите на кисело мляко на растителна основа („вегурти“), които нямат необходимост от хладилно съхранение, на следващото ниво.

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Как да подобрим производителността без да жертваме качеството на млечните продукти
Dairy products

Как да подобрим производителността без да жертваме качеството на млечните продукти? – Част 1

Времената на предизвикателства предоставят възможности за производителите да оптимизират процесите с цел повишена ефективност и устойчивост.
С естествените решения на Chr. Hansen, вие можете да създавате същите крайни продукти, които вашите клиенти обичат, докато се наслаждавате на нови спестявания от оптимизиране на производството и максимизиране на ефективността.

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Dairy products

Frequently asked questions about yogurt

The most frequently asked questions about this favorite fresh dairy product and learn the answers. Learn more about the reasons behind the yogurt’s longer shelf life and quality nowadays.

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Нарастващо търсене на естествени оцветители в храните за домашни любимци
Natural colors

The demand for natural colors in pet food

Humanization of pets creating demand for natural colors in pet food. As parents strive to promote the well-being of their children, pet parents also wish to provide the best care and balanced, high-quality nutrition for their pets.

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Natural colors for food and beverages

Pet food

Natural, pet-safe food colors Oterra offers naturally sourced, food-grade coloring ingredients that can help to subtly differentiate your product, creating a premium appearance that complements your product’s flavor and mirrors the same rich color palette

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Natural colors for food and beverages

CapColors® range

CapColors® formulation improves the functionality and stability of the natural color pigments and helps retain their brightness and intensity in your food or beverage.

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Fruitmax range clean label natural colors
Natural colors for food and beverages

FruitMax® range

FruitMax® range is made from a wide variety of fruit, vegetable, and plant concentrates.

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Yeasts for alcoholic-free beer SmartBev™ NEER®
Wine and fermented beverages production

Yeasts for alcoholic-free beer

The specially isolated and selected strain used in NEER™ converts monosaccharides into specific and desirable flavor compounds helping you produce a tasty beer without the alcohol.

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Test and equipment

MilkSafe™ antibiotic test kits

MilkSafe™ antibiotic test kits – Chr. Hansen’s range of high-quality tests and equipment detects most common antibiotic residues in milk.

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Lactose test kits Lactosens R
Test and equipment

Lactose test kits

Easy to use test that allows traceability and faster product release. LACTOSENS® R works with milk, yogurt, mozzarella, fresh cheese, cream, cottage cheese. The new LACTOSENS® R allows testing to be done with flavors such as coffee and chocolate.

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Wine and fermented beverages

Ферментирали храни и пробиотични бактерии – ръка за ръка за човешкото здраве

Ферментиралите храни и напитки съществуват от хиляди години и те се радват на нов интерес от страна на потребителите, които търсят здравословен начин на живот и натурални продукти. Всички ние разпознаваме кимчи, кисело зеле и вино като ферментирали продукти; има обаче по-малко очевидни примери като кафе и какаови зърна, мисо или оцет.

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Хранителни култури за ферментирали зеленчуци
Production of meat products and prepared foods

Production of fermented vegetables

Bactoferm® Vege-Start 60 – fermented vegetables Elevate the experience of enjoying traditionally fermented vegetables by gaining full control of fermentation with Bactoferm® Vege-Start 60. The culture converts the sugar present in the brine primarily into

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Wine and fermented beverages


VINIFLORA® CH11 is an Oenococcus oeni isolated from cool-climate wines. VINIFLORA® CH11 was specifically selected for wines fermented at low temperature and low pH. However, VINIFLORA® CH11 can also be used in moderate pH wines, where it will gives high-speed malolactic fermentation.

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Dairy products

Healthy living

Healthy living – Chr. Hansen culture range are ideal for your brand to build on. Yogurt comes from milk and the health benefits of yogurt are so impressive that many health-conscious people make it a daily habit. Probiotic, high in protein or lactose free – discover how you can create healthy products.

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Dairy products

The right cheese at the right pace

Cheese ripening can be sped up to reach the market faster or slowed down to last longer on the shelf. This happens naturally, but it takes science to get there. Read more about Chr. Hansen’s ripening solutions for cheese.

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New cultures for premium yogurt at a lower cost
Dairy products

New cultures for premium yogurt at a lower cost

New cultures for premium yogurt at a lower cost. By using YoFlex® Express 6 and 7 cultures producers can have yogurt with premium taste and texture.
Grow your business by producing premium set yogurt with higher margins!

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Wine and fermented beverages

Chr. Hansen’s solutions for winemakers

Chr. Hansen’s solutions for winemakers. With selected yeast and bacteria from VINIFLORA® range, it becomes possible to produce wines with low or no SO2 without compromising on quality, and with much less unwanted volatile acidity. Keep wine great with VINIFLORA® bacteria, yeasts range and nutrients for them!

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Production of dairy products

Enzymes for yield, flavor & texture Improving

Chr. Hansen provides a diverse selection of enzymes to be applied in cheese as well as in other milk products such as yogurt. These unique dairy enzyme solutions offer different benefits, such as desired flavor characteristics, texture improvements and increased yield, as well as solutions for lactose-free and low-lactose dairy products.

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MilkSafe™ tests and equipment

Control of antibiotic residues in milk with MilkSafe™ test and equipment.
New antibiotic test kit range enables all players in the milk value chain to comply with increasing consumer demands and global legislation for food safety.

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VINIFLORA® OCTAVE for fresh and fruity white and rosé wine
Wine and fermented beverages

VINIFLORA® OCTAVE for fresh and fruity white and rosé wine

VINIFLORA® OCTAVE for fresh and fruity white and rosé wine.
Proven its value in the northern hemisphere, VINIFLORA® OCTAVE gives winemakers a solution to counterbalance a warming world and produce fresh and lively taste experiences.

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Dairy products


NOLA® Fit – An efficient and convenient way to go lactose-free and to reduce added sugar not only in liquid milk but also fermented milk market.

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Natural colors

Chr. Hansen Natural Colors transaction closed

Chr. Hansen Holding A/S and EQT today announced the completion of the transaction announced on September 26, 2020, whereby EQT and Chr. Hansen Holding A/S entered into an agreement with the purpose of EQT to acquire the Natural Colors division from Chr. Hansen Holding A/S.

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Chr. Hansen reaches scientific breakthrough in dairy bioprotection

Chr. Hansen reaches scientific breakthrough in dairy bioprotection. For the first time, the main mechanism of lactic acid bacteria with bioprotective effect against yeasts and molds in dairy products has been revealed: It’s all about competition for a specific nutrient (manganese).

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Dairy products


CHY-MAX® SUPREME is the latest addition to the CHY-MAX® portfolio. Focused on rising the industry standard for coagulant performance, Chr. Hansen makes a small but crucial change to the CHY-MAX® enzyme. This leads to a big difference across cheese production and functionality.

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Meat and prepared foods

Salami and pepperoni

Safe solutions from Chr. Hansen for fermented meats – Salami and pepperoni. Raw, fermented sausages, such as Italian salami, Spanish chorizo, German salami, French saucisson sec, and so many more, which come out of the ancient technology of salting, curing, fermenting and drying to create a shelf-stable meat product.

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Wine and fermented beverages

Wine with no added sulfites

Wine with no added sulfites. Chr. Hansen’s proactive approach with bio-protective cultures helps reducing sulfite content.

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Natural colors

Natural colors for pet food

The new range of ingredients with coloring properties for dog and cat food. Launched for use in multiple dog and cat food applications – including dry, semi-moist and treats.

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Закваски за кисело мляко
Dairy products

Yo-Flex® за нискомаслено кисело мляко с мек вкус и кремообразна структура

Най-новите решения на Chr. Hansen за закваски за кисело мляко са вече на пазара в удобна криофилно-сушена форма и обновена версия, за да посрещнат както глобалните здравословни тенденции, така и местните вкусови изисквания.

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Pre-salting in meat

Pre-salting is an old technique that was used to protect the meat against spoilage and maintain or even increase the water binding capacity in all the kind of emulsified and cooked products. However there was a huge disadvantage of that solution – the microbiology of the product was out of control.

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Pink and violet colors for ice cream
Natural colors

Pink and violet colors for ice cream

Oterra offers SweetColor® Pink 1144 WSP and SweetColor® Red 1344 WSP which are vegetable based colors, highly concentrated powders, for dairy and water based ice cream.

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Meat and prepared foods

Bactoflavor® Flora Italia – с ухание на Италия

Сега Chr. Hansen пуска на пазара още и SafePro® Flora Italia LC, за да осигури допълнителна бариера в хранителната безопасност и да минимизира риска от растеж на Listeria monocytogenes.

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Lactose-free dairy products
Production of dairy products

Lactose-free dairy products

Lactose-free dairy products with NOLA® Fit. Unlock the potential for lactose-free and reduced sugar yogurt.

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cultures for prepared foods
Production of meat products and prepared foods

Cultures for prepared foods

Cultures for prepared foods – SAFEPRO® selected especially to protect meat & prepared food products incl. salmon and ready-to-eat salads.

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glass of wine-wine bioprotection with Viniflora
Bioprotection for foods and beverages

Wine bioprotection

Use wine bioprotection for your wine production – a natural way to inhibit microbial contaminants (yeast, mold and bacteria).

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Wine and fermented beverages production

Дрожди за вино

Разкрийте комплексността и пълния потенциал на виното – дрождите за вино ще ви помогнат да извлечете повече от вкусовия потенциал на виното и също така ще повлияят върхо неговото тяло.

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Wine and fermented beverages production

Malolactic wine bacteria

Viniflora® malolactic wine bacteria are malolactic starter cultures that manage the controlled process of malolactic fermentation in wine.

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Starter cultures for fast fementation of meat
Production of meat products and prepared foods

Starter cultures for fast fermentation

Meat cultures play a key role for the safety of fermented sausages as they are responsible for the fermentation and subsequently increased drying of the sausages.

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child with glass of yogurt
Production of dairy products

Tests for antibiotics

Consumers want to be confident that their dairy products are safe, natural, healthy and free of contamination. Antibiotic residues in milk are a serious problem for human health. Chr. Hansen offers tests and equipment for food safety.

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Cheese with chr. hansen's coagulants
Production of dairy products

Cheese coagulants

Chr. Hansen was the first company in the world that offered standardized animal rennet on the market in 1874. А century later, in 1989, CHY-MAX® was launched and set new standards. This is the first

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Production of dairy products

Starter cultures for ripening and other cheese types

Thanks to its long experience and committed experts in the field of starter cultures, Chr. Hansen can offer a wide range of starter cultures for different types of cheese, ripening cultures, bioprotective starter cultures and of course cheese rennet and other specialized enzyme solutions for cheese production.

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sour cream with starter culture
Production of dairy products

Starter cultures for butter and sour cream

The range of mesophilic cultures provides different flavor and viscosity profiles making it possible to produce fermented products with desired taste and texture. 

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fresh dairy with probiotic starter cultures
Production of dairy products

Probiotic starter cultures

Probiotic cultures from Chr. Hansen’s probiotic range NU-TRISH® contain at least one probiotic strain with significant clinical documentation of health effects.

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ayran with starter culture
Production of dairy products

Starter cultures for ayran

For the producers of ayran we offer ayran starter cultures from Chr. Hansen that are intended for direct inoculation (DVS®).

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yogurt with bioprotective cultures FreshQ
Bioprotection for foods and beverages

Starter cultures for bioprotection

Bioprotection with bioprotective cultures Bioprotection is a natural way to protect against spoilage and harmful contamination in food. This not only helps you to keep your products fresh and safe, it also helps you to

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Starter cultures for kashkaval
Production of dairy products

Starter cultures for kashkaval

Kashkaval is a type of cheese that belongs to the Pasta Filata cheese group. These are the cheeses that refer to the stretched-curd cheeses, made famous in Italy. Such cheeses are made using a special

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Starter cultures for white brined cheese
Production of dairy products

Starter cultures for white brined cheese

Thanks to the use of direct starter cultures you can get cheese with different characteristics such as: milder, pronounced or spicy flavor, a hard or thicker consistency, easier shredding, less crushing or salt reduction. The cheese cultures are also suitable for application in any type of white brined cheese – cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, mixture, with or without vegetable fat.

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Production of dairy products

Yogurt starter cultures

We offer a wide range of cultures for yogurt production – cow, goat, sheep, buffalo and plant-based yoghurt. The different series of starter cultures we offer allow production of yogurt with different viscosity to be produced – from low to extremely high. The cultures offer various flavors – from a very tender to a strong yogurt flavor.

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Bioprotective starter cultures meat
Bioprotection for foods and beverages

Bioprotective starter cultures

SafePro® is a range of cultures specifically selected and developed to provide increased food safety through a positive flora of lactic acid bacteria.
How does Safepro® work?

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Dairy products

FeelGood Kefir

Reinvent an ancient dairy product with intrinsic health benefits and get a head start in a new global trend

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