Safe solutions from Chr. Hansen for fermented meats – Salami and pepperoni
Raw, fermented sausages, such as Italian salami, Spanish chorizo, German salami, French saucisson sec, Salami and pepperoni and so many more, which come out of the ancient technology of salting, curing, fermenting and drying to create a shelf-stable meat product.
- Smooth and gentle flavor of Italian salami but with a fast acidification for food safety, also a version with additional control against Listeria monocytogenes is available
- Sugar flex, fast pH, mild taste
- Providing a Mediterranean flavor and a fast pH drop
- A fast pH decline and color development solution
- Solution, well suited for a traditional and slower acidification with excellent flavor and color creation
- Very mild, traditional, excellent flavor option
- Manual—south/mild
- A combination culture having fast acidification, an attractive “Southern” flavor profile, and control against Listeria monocytogenes
- Add-on opportunity for those who want to complement their salami culture with Listeria monocytogenes control
- A pepperoni culture with a very fast pH decline at higher temperatures (above 32C)
- A freeze-dried pepperoni culture suitable for the pepperoni process (above 32C)
- A powerful pepperoni culture delivering both a fast pH drop as well as color development

Nowadays, the cornerstone is no longer a matter of praying to higher powers or hoping mercy from the endogenous “spoilage” bacteria. Today, the beneficial cultures are purified and produced under hygienic conditions to provide the desired acidification, flavor and color!