Fast, reliable malolactic fermentation in low-pH and low-temperature wine

VINIFLORA® CH11 is an Oenococcus oeni isolated from cool-climate wines. VINIFLORA® CH11 was specifically selected for wines fermented at low temperature and low pH. However, VINIFLORA® CH11 can also be used in moderate pH wines, where it will gives high-speed malolactic fermentation.

Low pH corresponds to high acidity, which is known to kill or inactivate malolactic bacteria. However, VINIFLORA® CH11 is highly robust when it comes to pH and can perform a fast and reliable malolactic fermentation in low-pH wines (Figure 1). Often, low pH corresponds with a cool climate and thereby a low temperature. Fortunately, VINIFLORA® CH11’s strong, malolactic activity can also withstand low temperature.


  • is an amazing tool for winemakers in cool climates struggling to achieve malolactic fermentation in low-pH wines.
  • produces low to medium amounts of diacetyl, keeping the wines lean and elegant.
  • is a favored, malolactic bacteria for white wines. However, over recent years winemakers have also become fond of using VINIFLORA® CH11 in red wines to achieve a high-speed malolactic fermentation (Figure 2).
  • gives you speed and a reliable malolactic fermentation, even in low-pH wines. 
  • can be used for early co-inoculation, late co-inoculation as well as sequential inoculation (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Viniflora CH11 Graph 1

Figure 1. Malolactic fermentation with VINIFLORA® CH11 in Chardonnay (pH 3.0 and temperature 16°C). Sequential inoculation

Viniflora CH11 Graph 2

Chr. Hansen’s solution

CH11 is part of VINIFLORA® range cultures enable winemakers to improve the quality of wine from year to year in the respect of its character, allowing the brand to keep up. It is also an effective solution for lowering/removing sulphites in wine, opening doors to the wineries to respond to consumers demand for more natural wines and global trends for less chemical/preservatives. 

Figure 2. Late co-inoculation of VINIFLORA® CH11 in Merlot, France (2013), pH 3.4

See more from this category here: Wine production

Source: Chr. Hansen

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